Rule 33
Yes, it’s true. Your life becomes heartburn free. Your job is a source of joy and satisfaction, not conflict and dread. You're glad to go back to work Monday morning. You pop out of bed in the morning and you don't resent the sunlight.
As to #1 – yes, since you aren't constantly hounding, pushing, cajoling, or pressuring the recruiter or hiring manager, they are much more willing to hire you. They don't want to bring someone on board who’s high maintenance; the way you are about being hired is the way you'll be about working there. They want to reduce their own heartburn too.
As to the second set of items - #1 on page 158 – yes, this applies too. Barring a change of boss, your risk of being fired is considerably less also. If they adore you when they bring you on board, they will view the good solid work that you do in a much more favorable light. Increased perception of value leads to increased responsibility and further increased perception of value. Of course, should you feel things getting shaky, take the Am I About To Be Fired? test. However, you'll find when you do The Rules, and obtain a job using strict Rules methodology, that your percentages will usually be lower when there’s trouble on the horizon. Moreover, you will likely experience less trouble on the job, including the potential for a much longer stay at a company than you would otherwise have experienced.